Examples of video graphics
Bill Romanowski was starting a new
company called Nutrition 53 and needed to
produce several network commercials.
They wanted a video graphics look for
these projects. They were told that
JEMgraphics was the company to use for
that kind of professional look.
Geothersun was a French company starting
a business here in the Bay Area and asked
the University of San Francisco what
company they would they recommend that
can produce a corporate graphics look for
their video. Again we were recommended.
We found by combining 2D & 3D graphics along with
animation and several types of audio and special effects in
our videos, retention rate in our videos goes up quite a bit.
That means better profits for our clients.
We call this process corporate video graphics
Site Navigation
We are a multimedia company
that does high quality
video, photography and graphics design
This is a good exanple of what
video graphics is all about